How Blake Mill Grew Bundle Engagement By Focusing on High-Intent Customers
For a brand built on bold, statement-making designs, Blake Mill needed a way to help customers discover more of what they love—without relying on chance.
Tina Donati
Jun 12, 2024 · 5 min
Take a look at how these brands are leveraging the holiday to flesh out product bundle campaigns.
Tina Donati
Jun 12, 2024 · 5 min
We all know how difficult shopping for Dad can be. And with Father’s Day right around the corner, your buyers will be on the prowl for easy Father’s Day gift ideas.
This is why product bundles are essential for gift-giving holidays. Aside from it being super easy for your customers, there are many bundling benefits to your brand — whether it be diluting marketing and distribution costs, freeing up warehouse space, increasing AOV, or all three!
Need some last-minute Father’s Day product bundle inspo? Take a look at how these brands are leveraging the holiday to flesh out product bundle campaigns.
When it comes to coffee, take a look at Gothrider.
Gothrider capitalizes on holidays like Father’s Day by creating ready-to-go and easy-to-buy bundles, such as their Black Skull Mug Starter Cups Kit.
This bundle is a great example of why and how you should offer product bundles as part of your sales strategy. To create this, Gothrider is using Simple Bundles’ Simple Bundle type. Why?
Gothrider gives customers the freedom to choose between a medium or dark roast and how much coffee they want to start with, whether that be a single serving or a bag.
Ultimately, the product feels personalized and catered to the buyer’s wants. Perfect for coffee-enthusiastic dads.
Alternatively, for brands with more options and variants, you can use our infinite options bundle type, which can bypass Shopify’s 100 variant limit. This allows for full customer customization, so they can build the finest bundle that matches their preferences.
As for leveraging product visibility, Gothrider keeps it simple by promoting its offerings in email flows — reaching its regular consumer base right in time for Father’s Day shopping.
If you’re looking for another great way to fully draw on the holidays, take a cue from Papatui, Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s skincare line.
This brand made six different “Papa’s Kits” for this Father’s Day, with each kit being catered towards a specific Papa.
The Papa’s Kits allows customers to choose a bundle based on their father’s level of skincare expertise, provoking a feeling of personalization while staying simple with pre-made bundles.
The best part about Papatui’s product bundles?
Papatui strategically created a homepage banner to highlight these bundles and showcase each product option underneath. This is a flawless way to capture all the brand’s homepage traffic and turn that into higher AOV sales.
If you’re aiming for simple, Kitchen Provisions makes it as simple as it gets.
Kitchen Provisions provides a simple bundle, “The Expert Gin Maker’s Kit,” which offers everything a Dad may need to create up to three bottles of homemade gin.
Kitchen Provisions makes buying for Father’s Day straightforward—there are no discounts or overwhelming choices; simply a pre-made bundle with everything you need included.
Kitchen Provisions stands out by offering a bundle gift-wrapping option at checkout.
Not only does gift giving become that much easier for buyers, but this also reminds their customers that The Expert Gin Maker’s Kit could be the ultimate gift for their gin-loving Dad.
For grill masters this Father’s Day, MeatStick provides a unique bundle experience where buyers can completely customize their grill kit.
MeatStick’s “DIY Your Own Bundles” is a smart bundle strategy in which buyers can choose products from different MeatStick series and benefit from exciting discount deals.
The discounts are centred around tiered sales to encourage customers to purchase more. And they’re also auto-applied at checkout with the code “DAD,” going the extra mile to position this product bundle initiative for the Father’s Day holiday.
What's great about MeatStick is that they consider the various needs of consumers. If buyers don’t want to overthink it, MeatStick also offers many pre-assembled bundles for those who prefer a hassle-free option.
Charley’s Greenhouse & Garden is a perfect place to look when shopping for your green-thumbed Dad this Father’s Day. The brand offers its Charley's Cedar Wood Potting Bench Kit, which includes red cedar wood and screws to build a gardening bench — ideal for any plantsman.
It also made our bundle inspiration list because many brands ordering raw materials for their product kits often need a bundle-friendly Bill of Materials (BOM), which keeps track of the availability of the individual components that make up the kit.
With an efficient BOM, you’ll know if you have all the necessary materials before you make the sale. This is especially important for Charley’s Greenhouse & Garden since kits are carefully assembled to order, and customers can choose between two bench sizes.
It’s crucial for the brand to understand the individual components of the bench's BOM to ensure they are investing in resources efficiently and streamlining the shipping process for a smoother, mistake-free customer experience.
It’s not too late to bundle your products. Simple Bundles syncs individual bundle SKUs with your inventory system to ensure that all Father’s Day gifts ship smoothly. Set up takes under 5 fives.
Want to get in touch about any last-minute bundle ideas? Let us know how we can help, and try Simple Bundles on Shopify for free.